One item that is real cool is when you have the iCloud setup and you take a photo with the iPhone 4S it will show up on your iPad and Mac within Aperture or iPhoto. All of this is do via the iCloud. I did not have to really do anything but turn this feature on. The Cloud will hold of to 1000 images. When it reaches 1001 it starts to replace the older one with the newest image. Of course you have the option to clear the images from the Cloud. If so it will not remove them from you devices. Now I am still in the learning curve of all of this iCloud and the more I get to work with it the more I will understand on how it functions. But I will say all of this is really cool.
Below is a sample image done with the iPhone 4S. The image is unedited except for resizing to fit on this Blog. Hope to do more photo testing and some videos soon. Check back for updates.
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